Body Treatments

NuEra Tight with Focal Radio Frequency Technology. Body Contouring
Duration & Price vary
NuEra Tight uses radio-frequency (RF) energy to treat skin laxity on face and body, as well as improve the appearance of cellulite. A comfortable NuEra Tight treatment can be administered on the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, bra and back fat, as well as around the eyes, mouth, cheeks and neck. NuEra Tight can also deliver lymphatic massage to increase local circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Benefits of a NuEra Tight Treatment:
– Improves the appearance of cellulite
– Increase circulation and reduces swelling
– Creates smoother, tighter skin
– Reduce the appearance of crepey skin
– Increases collagen production

LED Red Light Therapy and Wound Healing
30 min
$ 55 per treatment
$ 300 package of 6 treatments
Celluma is a FDA-approved light therapy device that emits wavelengths of blue, red, and infrared light to treat many skin conditions with no pain, down time, or side effects. The Celluma is medically CE- Marked in Europe for all FDA indications-for-use, as well as for Dermal Wound Healing as a Class IIa medical device in the European Union. Ideal for use following surgery to enhance healing of incisions or non-healing wounds, Celluma LED red light therapy can help reduce patient down-time and fight infection while increasing overall patient comfort and satisfaction.
Red light therapy has been shown to accelerate tissue repair, decrease wound size and accelerate wound closure, as well as reduce the pain associated with the healing process.
- Phototherapy has been shown to accelerate tissue repair, decrease wound size, accelerate the resolution of erythema, accelerate wound closure and prevent dehiscence¹.
- Phototherapy prior to surgery may reduce the incidence of hypertrophic scars and keloids ².
- Ongoing post-surgery photo-rejunvenation² (activation of fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin, stimulation of keratinocytes which produce keratin to provide structural strength to the skin).
- Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation prevention².
- Activation of mast, macrophage and neutrophil cells can decrease inflammation and protect against infection.
- Phototherapy is anti-bacterial. The presence of C-acne bacteria can lead to post-operative infections, particularly in shoulder surgery. Using professional grade LED red light therapy prior to surgery can decrease the presence of this bacteria.

LED Red Light Therapy Benefits
There are additional health benefits to using LED red and near-infrared light therapy, as it has been proven to decrease inflammation, increase blood flow and oxygen to tissue, and overall give our cells the boost of energy they need to perform more optimally.
Pain and Recovery
LED red light therapy has been clinically proven to provide therapeutic benefits across various medical applications, penetrating deep beyond the skin’s surface to enhance health at the cellular level. LED red light therapy benefits our body by providing a more natural method of healing that works from the inside out. Rather than simply masking pain, Celluma red light therapy works differently to treat the underlying condition, enhancing tissue repair and performance, and allowing your body to perform at an optimal level of health and wellness.